Social Commitment


INELCOM, since its inception, has had a strong Social commitment through various endeavors:


Along these lines, our commitment to diversity in all areas and levels of the company has become one of the main principles on which our success is based on. At the same time, our sense of innovation has led us to be a company where the talent of young people is the guarantee of our future.

In addition to this commitment, at INELCOM we have the firm conviction that our history, our culture, are essential elements to grow and advance in society. Knowing our past, looking to the future, pushes us to improve day by day, to drive ourselves to overcome our personal and collective challenges.

That is why INELCOM promotes initiatives such as the recovery and enhancement of our historical heritage, Monastery of Santa María de la Aljama of Mont Sant de Xàtiva, and the cultural investment in 'INELCOM’s Contemporary Art Collection’